Fighting Fit
12:00AM - 12:45AM
This is a class that mixes body weight exercises, cardio, and a concrete attitude! The ultimate stress relief, Fighting Fit takes your step by step through fighting moves that challenge co-ordination,…
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Today26March2 Classes |
Tomorrow27March1 Classes |
28March2 Classes |
12:00AM - 12:45AM
This is a class that mixes body weight exercises, cardio, and a concrete attitude! The ultimate stress relief, Fighting Fit takes your step by step through fighting moves that challenge co-ordination,…
10:00PM - 10:45PM
This is a class that mixes body weight exercises, cardio, and a concrete attitude! The ultimate stress relief, Fighting Fit takes your step by step through fighting moves that challenge co-ordination,…
07:15PM - 08:00PM
This is a class that mixes body weight exercises, cardio, and a concrete attitude! The ultimate stress relief, Fighting Fit takes your step by step through fighting moves that challenge co-ordination,…
09:00PM - 09:45PM
This is a class that mixes body weight exercises, cardio, and a concrete attitude! The ultimate stress relief, Fighting Fit takes your step by step through fighting moves that challenge co-ordination,…
10:30PM - 11:15PM
This is a class that mixes body weight exercises, cardio, and a concrete attitude! The ultimate stress relief, Fighting Fit takes your step by step through fighting moves that challenge co-ordination,…